Monday, 17 August 2015

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Indosat Tbk Agustus 2015

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Indosat Tbk Agustus 2015
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Indosat Tbk Agustus 2015, PT Indosat Tbk.merupakan perusahaan penyedia jasa telekomunikasi dan jaringan telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Indosat menawarkan saluran komunikasi untuk pengguna telepon genggam dengan pilihan pra bayar maupun pascabayar dengan merek jual Matrix, Mentari dan IM3, adapaun jasa lainnya yang disediakan adalah saluran komunikasi via suara untuk telepon tetap (fixed) termasuk sambungan langsung internasional IDD (International Direct Dialing), serta jasa nirkabel dengan merk dagang StarOne.

PT Indosat Tbk. membuka lowongan kerja, berikut informasi selengkapnya :

Posisi dan Persyaratan :
VAC5263 - Customer Operation Assistance

  • Design the network configuration based on customer requirement
  • Implementation the design of network refer to customers final requirement
  • Coordinate with sales engineering, sales and other supporting functions in delivering the network
  • Coordinate with Resource Management to ensure the capacity & equipment availability
  • Coordinate with technical operation team during the provisioning activities
  • Coordinate with external parties & vendor to support the provisioning activities
  • Coordinate with building management to get the permit and complete the internal wiring installation
  • Supporting network configuration setting for the testing and integration
  • Intensive coordination with customer during the provisioning activities
  • Prepare the handover proses (to customer and operation)
  • Evaluate and increase customer experience to full fill target of CSAT


  • Bachelor’s Degree is preferable Background in Telecommunication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Technology Engineering
  • Deep understanding in the Telecommunication Infrastructure and Applications
  • Good knowledge of network environments and concepts such as SDH, TCP/IP, routers, switches, wireless transmission


  • Minimum 1 years of experience in technical aspect of telecommunication area.
  • Experience in Project Management is preferred

Skill :

  • Has ability to effectively communicate with customer (internal and external)
  • Has willingness to work in a good teamwork
  • Behavioral Competencies (from Indosat framework):
  • Customer and market focus
  • Effective collaboration
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Pendaftaran Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Indosat Tbk Agustus 2015

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