PT Freeport Indonesia menambang, memproses dan melakukan eksplorasi terhadap bijih yang mengandung tembaga, emas, dan perak. PT Freeport Indonesia beroperasi di daerah yang berdataran tinggi di kabupaten Mimika, provinsi Papua, Indonesia. Freeport Indonesia memasarkan konsentrat yang mengandung tembaga, emas dan perak ke seluruh penjuru dunia.
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Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Freeport Indonesia Tahun 2015 |
PT Freeport Indonesia membuka lowongan kerja untuk Lulusan baru, berikut informasi selengkapnya :
Posisi dan Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Freeport Indonesia Tahun 2015:
- Educational RequirementsMechanical Engineering: 20 positions
- Metallurgical Engineering: 9 positions
- Mining Engineering: 23 positions
- Geological Engineering: 6 positions
- Civil Engineering: 6 positions
- Electrical Engineering: 6 positions
- Geodetics Engineering: 1 position
- Industrial Engineering: 6 positions
- Psychology: 2 positions
- Informatics / Computer Engineering: 3 positions
- Chemical Engineering: 3 positions
- Physics Engineering / other Engineering major: 1 position
- Enviromental Engineering / Occupational Health / Occupational Safety: 2 positions
- Architecture Engineering: 1 position
- Corrosion / Structural / Material / Metallurgical Engineering: 1 position
General Requirements
- Possess Bachelor or Master degree from domestic or overseas university
- Minimum GPA 2.80 of 4.00 scale
- Not more than 2 years from graduation
- Possess 0-2 years experience
- Maximum 30 years old for Papuan applicants and maximum 26 years old for non-Papuan applicants
- Pass in all selection processes including Psychological Test, Interview, and Medical Check-up
- Proficient in English
For those who are interested and meet the requirements above please send your:
- Application letter
- Application files
- Copy of latest education diploma
- Copy of latest education transcript
- Previous Employment Certificate (if any)
- Copy of National Identity Card (KTP)
- Job Seeker Card (Kartu Kuning)
- Police Record (SKCK)
- Birth Certificate
- Family Card
- Photograph size 3x4 cm 2 pieces
Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan diproses, Jika anda memenuhi persyaratan diatas silahkan kirmkan lamarana nda ke HRD PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) melalui email berikut:
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Freeport Indonesia Tahun 2015